Our Story:
Engaging Our Heads and Our Hearts
During 20 years of working for large CPA firms, Trent came to realize there had to be a better way to serve not-for-profit organizations. He wanted to start a firm that gave the appropriate attention to not-for-profits regarding staffing, fees, and experience. Trent saw incredible people devoting their talents to influence the community and wanted his services to somehow aid in their efforts.
Thus, Trent started a company that devotes 100% of its resources to not-for-profit organizations. The goal is simple--an accounting firm that is forward-thinking where the staff’s knowledge and expertise grow. The staffing model allows the firm to offer higher quality service at a reasonable fee. Finally, charitable work being done by fantastic not-for-profit organizations inspired him, so Trent landed upon the motto "Accounting 4 a Cause”. The company, TBFoster Accounting, provides high quality service to its clients, and designs its fees in such a way that we can contribute a portion of our bottom line to other charities.
Trent took control of the situation. The company unites experience and knowledge into a specialized accounting firm that only deals with not-for-profit organizations. Our staff turns a daily routine into an enthusiastic venture filled with excitement and personal fulfillment. The business model encompasses flexible scheduling, remote home offices, personal freedom to organize work projects, substantial training and support, family considerations, a unified group of like-minded accounting spirits.
When our team members go to work, they exude self-worth and meet the challenges of the job for which they had yearned. We make a difference in others’ lives through our not-for-profit clients. We Help You - Help More!
What condition do auditors suffer from that other people do not?
Well done is better than well said.
Benjamin Franklin